Friday, July 29, 2011

makan makan before ramadhan.

hi,good afternoon! ade lagi crita yg lupa nak update,hehehheh *baru nak tidoq* BIG thanks to eddie aka kawan mase skolah! decided to blanje all of us dinner before bulan ramadhan tak lame lagi ni! thank you abg eddie kita *ehek,nak naik range roverrrrrrrrrr ber seatkan lather putih* HAHA over enn? :)

P/S : Anddddd that's eddie,in the 1st picture yang pakai baju stripes mcm cek tu *malu taw* thanx again eddie,moga jasamu dibalas oleh NYA :)
DO NOT focus kat yg pkai cap tu! argh

Thursday, July 28, 2011


omaigaaaaaad,dah lame nak carik cotton candy yg ade cone with colourful transparent packaging! ade sape sape penah makan tak or still ingat bout it? my favorite since dulu lagi,usually this kinda cotton candy i beli dekat babu jual roti depan rumah, teres house slalunya laaa kot yg bawak motor penoh roti tu *is it babu?* mase kecik kecik dulu before maghrib mesti tunggu pakcik roti dtg just to buy that yummy yum cotton candy! serius sedaaaaaaaaaaaaap,tak tipu!! that day siap tahan pakcik bawak motor roti just to check kalau2 still ade jual lagi ke tak? but too bad,2 motor i tahan still tak de pown yg jual! seriously i mmg nak sgt that small cotton candy with cone! *sigh*

p/s : i never like cotton candy yg siap ade strawberry ,blueberry flavor kat super market even kat pasar malam! tak sesedap favorite i tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! sape dapat belikan,i doa supaya dia dimurahkan rezeki kehendaknye,amin :*

Harimau Malaya,Aummm!

Hey pretty girls and handsome boys out there,chewaaah sukew lew tuw! Gosh,my hand is shaking because i'm so excited to update my blog! my laptop rosak because of makhluk Allah mane ntah yg suka spam spam ni,rase nak pang muka dia ade gak? hahahahahah.btw thanks to Atika Rosdi sebab pinjamkan laptop even lap kan taik mata cek yang dah lame bengkak,kemerahan,kegatalan,keberairan,kesepetan dan kerimasan kesangatan ni! almost a week sakit still tak elok lagi! keperitan melanda apabila bangun tido akibat taik mata sebakul :) actually this is not the topic enn? pape ntah ecar ni! well wanna talk about my 1st experience tengok bola live,haishhhh i ni bukannye BIG fan of football but org dah bagi ticket free enn *thanks again to ecar* so pegi jer laaaaaa! kena pulak Chelsea,mmg ape pown i zero! tak kira la MU ker,Liverpool ke or mane mane team jer la,I MEMANG TAK TAWU sape nama player,position or whatever la weih,HAHAHAH! but not bad,bukannye susah kan? org jerit kita jerit,org buat wave kita follow.heeeee! no matter what,that is my first and the last tgok bola live because the worst part is nak naik train biler blk even 3 or 2 station je to tmpat letak kreta STILL i tak tahan sbb bawu ketiak org ni mcm mcm je adenye tambah plak lagi ngan peloh? perghhhhhh terbaik! hahaha memandangkan today Malaysia VS singapore,org bagi free 10 pown still i tak nak pegi but i boleyh support dari tv rumah jer,Good Luck Malaysia <3

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fantastic Friends.

i know you girls suka my tummy :)
dinner with em
birthday girl :)
sedap ape your voiceeeee ;D

"we want food"
yummy cheese cake from HANA
lelong lelong!

Good morning,now 12 am and i feel like update this now! before izzatie blk Australia,nad blk Kelantan,qifa yg dah pown smpai miri baik i plan jumpa semua-semua ni.YES we did,siap sleepover at ikha's apartment,surprise birthday party,karaoke,dinner and lotsa fun things that we did dalam satu hari! omaigaaaaaad i can't describe how happy am i biler with all of yah! after this kena gather lagi like this,okayyyy? cepat betol mase berlalu,dah ade yg nak kawin dah pown,awwwww no matter what happen,i tetap with you guys! so now,after ikha sape pulak? hopefully i la enn,hehe :)

P/S : congratulations afi sebab his 1st time visit my blog,HAHA ^_^

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Sekolah lencana besar plus lagu skolah tak sedap :)
We used to lepak kat stairs nie,owh i miss this moment.
We used to hide in this fire extinguisher room,HAHA!
With the new principle.
Proud of it.

Assalamualaikum,hey there! how's everything? me, not feeling well! dah 3 hari tak sedap badan plus selesema non stop.exhausted because the whole day keluar.Today me and my girls went to our high school mase form four until form five owh btw i was in Sekolah Taman Ilmu & Budi. haaaaaaa tak penah dengar enn? well this is private school under UIA,we're the 1st batch so form 4 until form 5 we're the seniors,ahaaaaaaaaa cool enn? so mase tu class form five ade 2 class jer,maklumla skolah baru bukak.form 4 util form 5 i was in 4/5 Al-Ghazali so kawan kawan yang lain from 4/5 Al-Farabi.our class just bersebelahan so i under class account yang Farabi class science and kalau bosan,takde sape nak teman pi toilet,tak nak masok class Quran or pin tudung tak reti nak pakai i akan ke class Frabi! yang dok melayan i will be Nadia,Hana or Qifa. hahahahahahha! *kelemahan sewaktu itu adalah memakai tudung dgn sendirinya dan mmg ngok nak pin tudung* dari form 4 smpai ke form 5 org pin kan tudung i! heeeeeee. so tadi kat sekolah we recalled everything that we had done for 2 years! kelakar sgt,kalau nak cerita mmg panjang! owh lupa,jahat-jahat i pown i ketua dekat hostel taw! gahahahaha so tadi we really enjoyed our day,dapat jumpa cikgu cikgu plus snap pictures kat our favorite spot. Honestly,i miss my high school moments! sekarang semua dah besar panjang,ramai yang dah nak kahwin then after pegi sekolah to support their curriculum day pi pulak karaoke! makan makan then blk but this time lain sikit kot,BEST dia satu mcm jer! enn enn? thank you ladies,it was awesome *hugs*

Sunday, July 3, 2011


hearts ; papa :)
Najwa,me and aunt jani
My talented keyboardist,Uncle Kamal
Before the performance.

salam,Hi,Yo! fuuuuuuuuuh exhausted! still nak post blog ni even i penat giler plus rambot keras sbb spray satu botol,plus fake eyelashes,make up tak remove! BEST night ever,well i just got back from Dewan Perdana sbenanye.My 1st time of nyanyi in front of ramai orang like almost 800 org. Before this yes i nyanyi but tak penah lagi la smpai this lavel.Actually is not that easy nyanyi guna keyboard,susaaaaaaaah sangat! keyboardist kena ikot i,i kena ikot keyboardist! biler one of us silap sikit semua hancoq.Thanx to uncle kamal which is mama's friend sebab bagi i opportunity to nyanyi with you and support i from behind and thanx kat mama too aka manager sebab push i smpai i sanggup nak performed! actually plan ni just for fun and now mcm dah serious je, so on September & November ni dah ade org booked us! hehehehheheeh BUT please la jgn bnyak sangat traditional song,susah! :')