Sekolah lencana besar plus lagu skolah tak sedap :)
We used to lepak kat stairs nie,owh i miss this moment.
We used to hide in this fire extinguisher room,HAHA!
With the new principle.
Proud of it.
Assalamualaikum,hey there! how's everything? me, not feeling well! dah 3 hari tak sedap badan plus selesema non stop.exhausted because the whole day keluar.Today me and my girls went to our high school mase form four until form five owh btw i was in Sekolah Taman Ilmu & Budi. haaaaaaa tak penah dengar enn? well this is private school under UIA,we're the 1st batch so form 4 until form 5 we're the seniors,ahaaaaaaaaa cool enn? so mase tu class form five ade 2 class jer,maklumla skolah baru bukak.form 4 util form 5 i was in 4/5 Al-Ghazali so kawan kawan yang lain from 4/5 Al-Farabi.our class just bersebelahan so i under class account yang Farabi class science and kalau bosan,takde sape nak teman pi toilet,tak nak masok class Quran or pin tudung tak reti nak pakai i akan ke class Frabi! yang dok melayan i will be Nadia,Hana or Qifa. hahahahahahha! *kelemahan sewaktu itu adalah memakai tudung dgn sendirinya dan mmg ngok nak pin tudung* dari form 4 smpai ke form 5 org pin kan tudung i! heeeeeee. so tadi kat sekolah we recalled everything that we had done for 2 years! kelakar sgt,kalau nak cerita mmg panjang! owh lupa,jahat-jahat i pown i ketua dekat hostel taw! gahahahaha so tadi we really enjoyed our day,dapat jumpa cikgu cikgu plus snap pictures kat our favorite spot. Honestly,i miss my high school moments! sekarang semua dah besar panjang,ramai yang dah nak kahwin then after pegi sekolah to support their curriculum day pi pulak karaoke! makan makan then blk but this time lain sikit kot,BEST dia satu mcm jer! enn enn? thank you ladies,it was awesome *hugs*