Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Assalamualaikum,Good morning,Bonjour! ahaaaaaaaaa trying my best ntok bangun lambat but i can't! dah tak kerja pown still bangun awai,well "dah tak kerja" tu la sub topic kita pada pagi ini ye.Hehe fyi smlm last day bekerja,today nak rest puas2 plus sampai la next year! huhu,after that i akan busy with MUET exam then will continue my studies.YES YES YES i am super duper excited nak masok ke alam study blk.nama pown manusia,tak penah nak puas ngan ape yang kita ade.dah kerja nak cuti,biler cuti nak kerja? dah blajar nak brenti,biler blajar boring pulak.So pape pown enjoy dulu cuti and new year kemudiannye baru focus on MUET eh eh eh? gaji plak anytime now,part time mmg lewat sikit.dapat plak check so kena tunggu a few days ntok dapatkan cash & the best part is' mamaloan' still ade,ngeheheheheh! calculate dulu brape gaji i, btol2 dapat then mama bagi dulu duit,dapat je check i bagi la mama balik.faham tak? naaaah forget it! and now rase mcm nak pi mani and padi,urut,salon,shopping,mama's birthday present,dinner with best friends yg kaki ketok.heeeeeeeee and not to forget,Happy 4 month anniversary khairul aka tak layan cek 3 hari dah.ntah ape kena nye cek malas nak figure it out! pape pown i still got something for you,malam ni i delievery kat rumah eh eh? Love yah :)

*currently listening to take it or leave it by sublime with rome while create this blog! BEST

Friday, December 9, 2011

Ikha's BIG day!

it's 108 am and i'm awake? actually i just got back from my best friend akad nikah day,haishhhh i'm speechless! she is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gorgeous on her wedding dress and amir look sooooooooooooooo macho dgn baju mlayu putih dia! well love everything,dari pelamin,baju,make up and semuanye perfecto! thanks sbb jadikan i dayang you and i hope our friendship sampai biler2 even you dah kawin pown! i'm happy in a same time sedih because tak sangka you dah jadi MRS AMIR! heheheheh and next? who's on the line? i think izzatie sebab gatai sgt nak kawin ngan acap! so i'm happy and girlfriends,see you at ikha's reception esok! nyteee <3
will upload more picturesssssss :)