Thursday, June 7, 2012

Beauty At Home

kuning kuning keemasan gituuuuuuuu,haaaaaaa ceteka? hahaha bosan tahap gaban punya pasal,tgok tgok la youtube smpai la ke topic beauty at ke? hehe,tengok punya tengok keluar pulak pasal face mask pakai strawberry la,virgin oil laaa,sugar la,coconut milk laaaaa? sumpah macam macam plus mmg menarik! so i just buat turmeric + fresh milk for face mask equals to brighten skin,no wonder laaa Indian suka tepek kunyit kat muka enn and no wonder skin depa cantik!mana taw dpt skin mcm kajol? hikhik so next i nak buat hair mask which is for shiny hair! excitedddddd,i prefer kaedah traditional neh,so ampa semua cuba naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

pokka yeay

hi,hello? eh same je kot? while eating mama's meehun cek sempat lagi nak update blog neh. 3days makan tak rase pape,dok telan teh tak sedap di dunia pown sedap jadinya,i lost my sense of taste and smell,seksa btol rasanya! batok,flu even nak diri lelama pown tak larat.musim demam neh so take care of yourself guys.2nd semester will start on this coming monday,InsyaAllah everything will be just fine la kan? amin,Actually the reason i update blog sebab i nak share something that i addicted gila babz punya skrng! berkotak kotak pokka milk drinks dlm fridge eve kat campus pown i tak boleh stop minum this yummylicious drink! it's  must to try <3

y favorite flavor will be....MELON :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Youth Run

good mornoon,hehe! ayo,after so long tak update blog even now tengah semester break? but full off activity yg menyehatkan,*konon la sehat.since sabtu lepas dok push myself to to do all this,i went for jog,swim even busykan diri with exercise and hell yeah,i'm having body ache! jalan pown sakit,batok apentah lagi? maybe effect yg memberansangkan.chewah,so yesterday i went to Putrajaya to support him,wakil Toyota for Ekiden run 2012.1st time tgok khairul marathon.Well done,he got top 15! i'm very proud of yah,so tonight sambung workout to look much more better,insyaAllah :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

mama liza

1st of all,Happy mothers day to all mak mak yg berada di muka bumi ciptaan Allah swt ni! macam biasa la,kita org celebrate simple2 jer! we gave mama presents and went out for matter what,selagi ibu kita masih hidup,jaga lah mereka,sentiasa bersamanya ketika susah dan senang! i love you mama <3

*wish you were here with us along ;')

Sunday, May 6, 2012

owh my weekends

Mochi Sweet,favourite!

Poor bella :(

All the way from Doha :)

Good morning world,alhamdulillah that i'm still breathing and thanks kepada sepasang mata yg sentiasa nak bangun awal even though tido lewat mcm mana skali pown,hujan lebat ke class pukul 3 ke still bangun awal! grrrrrrr.hurmmmm how to start eh? ow yeaaaa,sabtu ahad lepas yg mencabar keimanan,someone ordered cookies for birthday celebration,well i kurang tido for 2 days beturut turut! dah la penat,so curik curik masa jugak nak lepak with beloved friends,smpai smpai je kreta plak tak boleh start?? so i left the car at his house for a day,esoknya plak kreta kena tow,hanta repair and it takes for 6 hours nak di baiki then the next day along balik,kat KL within 24 hours so kena la teman dia shopping and all.even skejap je jumpa still macam2 dapat shopping,macam2 kita org borak! thanks for everything sista! glad that we met even for a while! by the way,i tried new dessert,smpai la ni dok teringin! mcm nak pegi the gardens je skrng but messy room skrng ni kena kemas dulu :( i want mochi mochi mochi mochiiii,i pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kampung Paya,Pulau Tioman 2012

Assalamualaikum and a very good afternoon to all of you,hehe! while listening to my favourite song and waiting for my cookies masak i decided to update my blog! weeeeeeee,super excited to share with you guys about my Tioman was awesome,mmg best until i dunnoe how to describe how happy i am bila kat's so simple or should i call it bersahaja? bus to jetty Mersing at 11.30 then smpai sana around 6am,the best part is for the 1st time naik bus pegi jauh2 with beloved friends yg i baru kenal.subahanAllah,driver bus bawak laju gila and i can't sleep at that time even rasa mcm nak teriak kuat2 sebab takot punya pasal! masa tu mcm menyesal pown ade but smpai je jetty sumpah excited! kena plak ferry pukul 10am,bayangkan la brape jam kena tunggu? siap bentang kotak tido atas lantai.naik je ferry smpai  Kampung Paya haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mula dah excited balik! nmpak chalet,dapat kunci,check in tadaaaaaa bilik bujang! for the 1st time jugak i tido chalet yg ade katil and toilet sahaja,mula2 upset lama2 best la sebab bilik tu mmg btol2 ntok tido je,mmg takde masa nak lepak or ape sebab bnyak activity,twice a day we went for snorkeling,4 to 5 hours berendam dalam laut! smpai je time brekafast,lunch and dinner siap2 then teros pegi makan,then jalan2mthe boys main card, me and other girls kemas2 bilik,bag or get ready nak jenjalan,ade je lah activity nak buat! we went to marine park,hiking even to other island.haishhhhhhh  heaven sesangat! tak payah nak 5 star hotel or whatever,simple pown dah sgt cukup for me.maybe sebab kawan2 pown best that's why i rasa comfortable sgt! pape pown dlm best2 tu ade jugak benda buruk happened,our room ade makhlok tumpang.1st day je dah masok hutan carik waterfall,balik je from sungai tetiba mlm tu bilik bawu busuk gila,everyone realised it! bawu hanyir mcm sampah,but sampah dah buang even toilet siap basoh sbb ingatkan bawu dtg dari toilet,smpai la last day baru benda tu kacau,dok ketok dinding tetiba,at that time the boys semua takde dalam bilik diorang sebab keluar pegi mancing and yg tinggal all girls,so i teros called khairul to lari cepat to our room to teman us.alhamdulillah after baca doa and all, bilik teros takde bawu! serious,mmg btol2 takde bawu yg selama ni ade dlm bilik i tuh.last day before balik semua org tido in one room.perghhhh sempit gila but what to do kan? dah semua takot? pape pown you guys rock,til now dok terigat our trip to tioman,sedih,sebak,happy semua ade skrng neh,so next trip will be on end of this year,new year eve kat Langkawi or Krabi! still tgh plan,so simpan duit jom! :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Saturday morning

Good Morninnnnnnnnnngggg! i just woke up and and the reason i update blog pepagi ni is...cek mimpi lipas betelor smpai la lipas tu dah tua,haha! damn damn damn,bangun2 je satu badan rase mcm ade lipas dlm baju! lately ni terase mcm  ade je yg tak kena with myself,semalam kat college kena bratoq panjang just nak active kan ID untuk exam? dgn kuasa yg diberi,pegi counter tipu plak akak yg jaga admin! i said i ade emergency case which is i kena hanta someone to bus station,shhhhhhh hikhik!then cerita lain plak, i drive skrng jalan tak nmpak pulakkkkk tak taw la sebab sit kreta yg makin kebawah or aku ni makin pendek! keluar nak lepak ngan atiq,wan' aka nenenk saya ye rakan2 semua' suruh beli rokok pulak,so singgah shell,boleh plak abang banglar mintak ic! woooooiiiii what is wrong with me and you too abg bangla! okay abaikan,so now nak revision sikit because on starting from next week,dah start exam week and and my paper only on monday and wednesday and friday night i'm off to Pulau Tioman! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sumpah excited but bnyak lagi benda blom beli ntuk bawak i Tioman.haishhhhhhhhh excited :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Diploma In Culinary Arts.

Finally,everything goes well! three years for diploma is not easy actually,bnyak dugaan even maki hamun dari chef! physical dan mental kena sangatlah kuat in the kitchen,pape pown i dah buat my parents,sisters and friends proud,even myself! to all my friends yang graduate smlm,Congratulations! may all of you success in whatever yang korang tengah buat,walaupown graduated from college yg kurang bagusnya but still okay lah tuuuu,haha and now i have to get ready with another challenging year,may Allah permudahkan segala urusan. so congratulations again 2008 batch :')